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Kami melihat ITS Startup sebagai rumah untuk jiwa kreatifitas dan platform yang istimewa; dimana semua orang yang percaya, menghargai dan melihat visi dari inovasi dapat saling mensuport ide dan mewujudkannya dalam kenyataan.

-- Unknown

Jelajahi Inovasi Lainnya

Showing 1-6 of 6 items.

NuraTrue Pro - Wireless Earbuds With Lossless Audio

Redefining the standard for wireless earbuds. Audiophile-quality music over Bluetooth® with our award-winning personalised sound.

Knife from a single piece of metal with titanium plates.

Simple fixed blade, thoughtful design with details that make it special. A sharp, reliable, beautifully EDC tool.

Two-tec bit: A tool that can reduce work time and hassle

How much value do you place on your own time? The more you use this tool, the more time you will have.

Focus Timer Adjustable Hourglass

A minimalist timer that boosts productivity and enhances creative flow.

Space O - DIY Electronic Kits Inspired by NASA

Five detailed space models - all made of Printed Circuit Boards with soldering involved

SnapGrip Magnetic Snap-on Camera Grip+Battery for your phone

The all-in-one, MagSafe compatible, Grip, Dock, and Charger for all storytellers. GRIP | SNAP | CHARGE | SHOOT | DOCK | ROTATE